Council Services
Information about all council services

Do you need help and advice about council services? Or do you need to know who provides what services? This section of the website can help point you in the right direction.
There are now two main ‘tiers’ of local government. Coxhoe Parish Council is a very small council which currently only delivers a small number of very local services. It is, however a very ambitious council which is proactive in making life better for the residents of Coxhoe and Quarrington Hill.
The main local authority in the area is Durham County Council. It provides all the key services in the County from Highways to Education. It can often be confusing to residents who does what. This section of the website has been designed to help direct you to the right place. If you have an issue with services provided by Durham Council it will be quicker and easier for you to go direct to the County Council. You can report it to us and we can pass it on but we cannot do that immediately and time would be wasted. It is much better for you to go straight to the service provider. You can report County Council issues through their customer services team or their Do it online facility.
Coxhoe Parish Council prides itself in its partnership activity and works very closely with a range of organisations to get the best for our communities. We aim to help you in understanding:
- What Coxhoe Parish Council provides and where you can go to get advice and help about its services
- What Durham County Council does and where you can get help and advice about the delivery of its services
Please note that some services are now restricted due to coronvirus.